It’s hard to believe that once again we are in a situation where virtual and online learning and
activities are at the forefront of our daily lives. I am not sure about you but 2020 seems to
have gone by in record speed and it only seems like yesterday that we were issuing January 2020’s newsletter. Our virtual and online schedule for January to March 2021 hopefully offers a variety of classes, activities, seminars and supports. Something to suit everyone.
The resilience of all our children must be noted and highlighted, they have been real heroes coping with the ever changing scenarios, and the parents, keeping your families safe and happy, juggling numerous plates, hats, tasks as well as fears and frustrations. Please know that DSCNE is here to support you in any way that we can; every family situation is unique, and only you know what is best for your own family unit.
The full schedule can be downloaded below:
