Seminars and Talks

Here at DSCNE we take great pride in providing support to the whole family unit. One of the ways we do this is through training.
Our Seminars and Information Evenings are provided by accredited professionals and are open to families, carers and professionals who work with children with Down syndrome.
Our aim is to increase knowledge about Down syndrome, to fully understand the condition and it’s impact on individual lives and its effects on both development and achievement. The seminars we offer aim to empower parents and carers in a positive and progressive way.
We organise regular seminars and information evenings for parents and carers which look to offer a practical and interactive experience from our team of specialist advisors. Please look through our events section to see what’s coming up in the next few months. You can book your place using the forms on each page or else contact us directly for assistance with booking or for more information about an event.