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Would you like to volunteer with the Down Syndrome Centre North East and support the work of our team? Volunteers are crucial to the work that we do at the DSCNE and your time and support will help us to continue our vital services.


There are lots of ways to fundraise! You can run an event in aid of the Down Syndrome Centre North East and we will support you with tips and ideas, give a few hours of your time to help out at one of our many fundraising events or become a DSCNE Charity Ambassador​​.


Corporate Partnerships

At the Down Syndrome Centre we love working with companies and corporates and there are so many ways that we can work together! We will provide guidance and advice on all of your fundraising initiatives. If you would like to learn more about how we can work together please contact us.

Group Students Smilling

Schools and Colleges

If you would like to know more about Down syndrome for a school presentation or project or would like someone from DSCNE to visit your school to give a talk about the importance of inclusion we can help. Or if you would like to fundraise for us we would be happy to talk!

Image by Álvaro Serrano


If you would like to remember The Down Syndrome Centre North East in your will, first of all, Thank You. The gift that you leave will go toward improving the lives of people with Down Syndrome, supporting them and their families, we could not do the work that we do without your generosity.


In Person

Please call ahead before visiting


Units 16- 18 C:Tek, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross Co. Monaghan.

A81 AK70


Good News! You can donate right now through our secure online form. Click the button below to get started.

Over the Phone

We can also take payments over the phone. We can then email or post a receipt of your donation should you require it

042 942 3181


Units 15- 18 C:Tek 1, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross Co. Monaghan.

A81 FY61

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Registered Charity Number : 20161132    CHY: 22112

The Down Syndrome Centre North East fully complies with The Governance Code View of Terms and Conditions.

© 2020 by DSCNE. Website Design By Opus Web Design

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